Use icon on the macro list page to run multiple macros at the same time. Enable/disable Multi View in your macro icon. That SEO Positioning is a key factor that every web page must take into account is not a secret to anyone, what is a secret is how we can make SEO. In this video step by step guide has provided to create a high domain authority edu backlink.WELCOME TO LEARN TRICKS CHANNEL.
#Youtube view bot macro how to#
Export to file is available in txt and csv. How To Create DA 88 & PR 7 EDU DoFollow Backlink. Use icon on bottom right corner of your macro to open. Connecting phone with USB charging cable is recommended. Interval (minute): more than 1 minutes as interval is recommended. You can now continue with your other apps. Multi macro auto play at the same time, is also available. Our logo will appear (small and movable). Open your macro, set an interval and push the 'play' icon. Optionally, disable scroll merge to replay scroll slowly icon Tap icon to instant replay macro in foreground Optionally, you can edit each event to adjust time delay, delete steps. Once started (Ready message appear), you can use mouse and keyboard to do anything you need Our clever bots play events directly in build-in webview so no interference with device at any time auto page refresher and page monitor in backgrounds (screen off) easy auto refresh in foreground (screen must be on) tapping event / auto touch event / mouse clicks by automated logic full or semi automatic keyboard input / data entry test auto page reload, time bot and time clickers screenshot web page capture & page mointor auto click mouse or a serie of buttons on web pages / tapping games web site monitor / page change monitor (notification and web alert) refresh web traffic at certain interval & uptime robot web crawler: label / text crawlers / text extraction / data extraction / data mining autoclicker: mouse tap / button clicking / keyboard events auto refresh: chrome / web page / website checker / browser You can use it on any web page for automatic typing, hyperlink navigation, textbox data entry, image browsing, auto surfer, auto clicker, auto refresh page, automated price monitoring and track page change. The macro events are captured as javascript (html markup/ css style / ajax jquery selector) and can be replayed to simulate user actions. With Web Macro Bot automation tool, you can record keyboard type, mouse click and page scroll easily as a macro script, then whenever you need, fire up the macro to replay all your actions repeatedly. For example: login into website or look at share market stats. Everyday, you spend so much time on repetitively doing the same thing on the internet. Web Macro Bot helps you record webpage events and replay these events automatically later on, also in background.