Jet: Just wandering around with some weirdos. Hence the title of Yoko Kanno's slow acoustic guitar theme Forever Broke, played when the crew of the Bebop find themselves deep in the red and, more often than not, starving. It would be easier to name the episodes in which the crew does have money in which they don't. Perpetual Poverty: Either circumstances conspire to prevent capture of the bounty or there's so much collateral damage that, after all is said and done, they break even.Meanwhile Faye ends up dealing with stomach pains worse than starving, after eating the ship's emergency rations. The latter has Ed biting down on the metal shelf inside the empty fridge. Growling Gut: Heard often when the crew of the Bebop is starving - which comes up a lot.Ein is the major exception, as he's a dog. Foil: Pretty much the entire crew are foils to each other multiple times over, in terms of personality, outlook, character arc, and ultimately in how their individual stories resolve.Badass Crew: Spike, Jet and Faye can all gun down criminals like there's no tomorrow and Ed has the capabilities to hack a damn ship and fly it around like a remote control toy.Anti-Hero Team: Their primary motivation is money, though oftentimes their positive traits shine through and they perform altruistic acts over a monetary reward.Initially only a duo of Spike and Jet, Faye, Ed and Ein join over the course of the show. Left to right: Jet, Spike, Faye, Ed, and Ein.The crew of the starship Bebop, a Ragtag Band of Misfits that make a living as bounty hunters.